Your circuit with Amir Travel

Discover the beauty of the world around them by booking a tour or a cruise on E. Amir Travel .

A circuit for an original discovery

Wanderlust differently? Book a circuit. Accompanied by an English speaking guide , visit monuments and major attractions, while enjoying the beautiful scenery . For your tour , you can choose between the average or long-haul circuits .
A few hours of the flight only France , Andalusia, Morocco, Turkey and Tunisia reveal their treasures. Admire the wonders of Moorish architecture and Ottoman art at the turn of your walks .
Long haul routes take you around the world , royal capitals Thailand to the Great Wall of China , to Vietnam, South Africa, the West, the Mayan cities of Mexico and natural parks Canada ...
Scenery and cultural discovery are at the rendezvous of your circuit .

The cheap cruises Amir Travel

Rather than book a hotel or a holiday , go for a cruise!
Travel amirpropose many theme cruises : the promise of a unique experience. Program your cheap cruise, lazing around on a very comfortable and well equipped vessel and stops to escape and open to the world , which are all near misses . Gastronomy, history , wine tasting , dancing , Christmas markets ... The topics are varied, to meet all your travel needs .
You can also book a cruise on the legendary rivers . Your ship will sail the Nile, the rivers of Russia , the Mekong ... to unveil some of the most beautiful landscapes in the world .
So do not wait to book your cruise at Amir Travel .

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