what about Transport in morocco

Initiated with the construction of the highway Casablanca-Rabat in 1975 to 1987 64 , the consolidation of the motorway network is considered a national priority. Managed by the National Motorway Company of Morocco , it is already one of the densest in Africa with 1 416 km open to traffic and dessert Tangier , Tetouan , Fez , Oujda , El Jadida , Marrakech and Agadir . On the horizon in 2015 , it should have 1 804 km and serve the cities of Beni Mellal and Safi .

Rabat-Casablanca motorway
The development of road infrastructure in Morocco would also require strengthening the network of expressways interesting alternatives to highways as less costly. The network has at present 631 km of track in service should be extended to more than 1 400 km by 2015 .
Morocco had in 2007 68 550 km of roads of which 69% were paved. The road network is generally considered to be of satisfactory quality and one of the best in Africa. The NRRP2 (National Rural Roads Program) envisages construction of 15,500 kilometers of new rural roads by 2015 to get the rural rate of opening from 54% to 80% due to the same 65 . However, 22% of communities remain unreachable by car and 35% are difficult to access 66 .

Train Casablanca Port
In contrast , the railway has long suffered in Morocco lack of voluntarism on the part of government. The ONCF , public company in charge of operating the rail network Moroccan however seems to have taken its destiny. Existing infrastructure (2120 km in total, 1 022 km of electrified lines and 600 km double track, the remainder being single channel) should be increased by two lines of TGV :
Atlantic line connecting the cities of Tangier and d ' Agadir via Kenitra , Rabat , Casablanca and Marrakech , and at 2030 ( Tangier - Marrakech will be effective by the end of 2015 )
the Maghreb line connecting the cities of Rabat and Oujda in serving the axis Fez - Meknes (in 2030).
These lines are funded at 30% by the Moroccan government and 50% by appropriations French 67 In addition to these development projects, the ONCF has completed the purchase of new trains and plans to connect cities such as Nador and Beni Mellal .
The Moroccan airline has experienced a boom. Morocco now has 25 airports and airport Mohammed V was in 2008 the three e African airport in terms of traffic .
International traffic surged in 2007 by more than 17%, which represented one of the highest growth internationally. The airline National, the Royal Air Morocco is currently the second airline Africa behind South African Airways .
On the sidelines of the group Royal Air Morocco , Morocco has three airlines that are private Jet4you (owned 66% of Royal Air Morocco and 34% group TUI ), Air Arabia Morocco (formerly Regional Airlines ).

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