
The Moroccan climate is both Mediterranean and Atlantic, with a hot, dry season coupled with a cold and wet season, the end of the warm period is marked by the October rains.
The presence of the sea reduces the temperature differences, moderates the seasons and increases the moisture in the air (400 to 1000 mm of rain on the coast). In the interior, the climate varies with altitude. The summers are hot and dry, especially when blowing hot sirocco or Chergui , wind summer from the Sahara . For this season , average temperatures are 22 ° C to 24 ° C . Winters are cold and wet with ice and snow. The average temperature then evolves - 2 ° C to 14 ° C and can drop to - 26 ° C . In mountainous areas, rainfall is very large (more than 2000 mm of rainfall Rif or 1800 mm in the Middle Atlas). The pre-Saharan and Saharan Morocco has a dry desert climate.
The climate in Morocco can be divided into seven sub-areas, as determined by the different influences experienced by the country influences oceanic , Mediterranean , mountain , continental and Saharan

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