Draa Valley

The Draa Valley longest Morocco, Ouarzazate after it is born, the meeting of Oued Ouarzazate and Dades in antiquity. Its waters are mixed with these two wadis that descend from the High Atlas.
Crossing the Anti-Atlas, Ouarzazate to Zagora, Draa Valley you will see some amazing scenery. The sight of a valley lined with palm trees spread over a length of 200 km, fortified super Ksour built of adobe. The river continues in a thin stream of water spraying in passing a true Oasis continuous but narrow green with a strange environment in pre-Saharan, and it gets lost in the sands after the village of M'Hamid. During major floods, the river then finds its old course and its waters through the desert to the Atlantic to the vicinity of Tan-Tan to go before emptying into the ocean.

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