Despite of economic hardship, people of M'hamid Oulad Driss seem sticking with their amazing Folklore. They show that life is about suffer, but to defeat it is to stick with your costumes that witness your rich history.
ArtkneefromZagora, artwheremensingthebelovedProphetofGodandprayersbeuponhim, who is alsotheartofcombiningproverbsand governance,andtraditionalsayings, andincreasethebeauty ofthistypethatwonderfuldancesperformed bytwomembersofthegroupamidthepodium. Watch the video :
A small village situatedon the north sideof the city ofZagora,Bhawwathis villageMiniincludes a lot offeaturescultural, artistic andtouristfrom othervillagesandvalleyZagora,andfrequented bysome touristsnotfor tourismbutbecause there are somepeople who haveexperiencein the treatment ofcoldsand otherbyburialin the sanddesert,somedestinations,to buyfruitdatestohiswell-knownqualityanddiversityofa very large.
The history ofthe region dates backto time immemorial,as evidenced by therock carvingsin FoumChenaandTazarineandgiant necropolisofFoumLarjamtolghirN'tidriM'hamidElGhizlane.In the early 14thCentury,ChorfasSaâdiens,from the Middle Eastsettled inTagmadart।
In the 16thcenturySaadianChorfasleftto conquerSubMoroccoand northernMorocco, before realizingthatthecountriesof Western Sudanby the famousroutefrom Timbuktu.This great expeditionhas providedcommercial and culturalprosperityof Morocco. ZaouiaNaciria,Tamegroute
Under the reign oftheAlaouite dynasty, the region was granteda special interestsince itsreleaseby the great SultanbinMohamedMycherifthe 17th century andespeciallyduring the reign ofMoulay Ismailgreat and famous. His sonBenCherifIsmailwent toBeniZoliAghlan, where he establishedthe seat of hisauthority(wilayaDraaSijilmassa). Thevaliantkingalso relied onthe
ZaouiNaciriafor the disseminationof knowledge inneighboring African countries. ThisZaouiahas arichlibrary thatcontainsvaluableworks of theology, history,and medicinethatisthe oldestpreservedmanuscript datingfrom the 13th century. After the death ofMoulay Ismailin 1727,the region has experiencedperiods of instabilitybut always remainedfaithful to theAlaouitethrone.
In the 20th centuryafter a periodof colonialism, the region has returned todevelopmentthat involves allsectors throughwise policyconductedby His MajestyHassanII (that godhasmercyin His Holy) and continued by His Majesty KingMohamedVI.(that glorifiesGod).